Historical Novel Malpractice
Historical Novel Malpractice
Listed here are a range of medical conditions that were historically common.
I'm a 2nd generation medical practitioner
Check out what prompted my to write about historical medicine below.
My medical "scrapbook"
How to Write About Chilblains
Right after I posted the frostbite article, https://novelmalpractice.com/novel-malpractice-writing-about-frostbite/ another writer on Facebook asked how chilblains was related. Talk about right on the money! Dickens wrote about chilblains, as did another favorite author,…
Writing about the Caduceus
Writing About the Caduceus: The Confused Caduceus Are there two caduceuses? Well, technically no. There are two ancient pagan symbols with either one or two snakes wrapped around a pole or…
Writing about a Plague Doctor
Are you writing about a plague doctor in your medieval or time travel novel? You've come to a good place. No plague here other than the occasional grammar mistake. I’ve always been…
Welcome to Historical Novel Malpractice!
Hello and welcome to the newest section of NOVEL MALPRACTICE. Are you writing about historical medical fiction? After reading a NYT bestseller, I spotted a title mentioned by the author as being…